CONGA - Salsa dance workout
Oye mi cuerpo pidió salsa! Yes! Join this super fun medium intensity salsa special! Great for mamas with small babies and also big kiddos.
You can do this class if you are pregnant just remember to avoid lifting weight (or toddlers) and switch our ABS crunches for leg work.
Emilio was all over the place today, but that is just real life, we have to keep on taking care of ourselves and doing the activities that make us feel happy and healthy. Even when kids are running and jumping over you. Making space for you is an act of bravery.
Enjoy this fun class and get the kids ready for the conga line!
YASS GRL - 30min Easy sexy dance workout
Time to channel our inner JLo's! This class was all about celebrating feeling sexy and feminine. Let that hair go and enjoy! Also bring a chair, preferably without handles.
COUPLES / FAMILY Workout - 25min HIIT...
Esta buenaza! Just convince your partner to try it (I know you can) and PLEASE send over a video, family pic or boomerang! You will make my day! Bring your dumbbells (pesas) if you have. Having snacks on the side for the kids is also a good idea ;)
GET THE LEGS - 15MIN Leg workout
JLO legs are possible Reinas, we just have to work our butts off to get them. And a 15 MIN routine is a great start! So bring your resistance bands if you have them (not mandatory), and get ready to put those ladies to work.
Las piernas de JLO son posibles Reinas, solo tenemos que trabajar dur...