SHOW UP - 30min Low Impact dance workout
A fun easy to follow class to uplift your mood!
GET STRONG - 13min Toned arms workout
Time to bring your Pesas chulas! I have the lightest dumbbells 'cause they were all sold out, but bring the ones you prefer or even some beans cans should work just fine. Let's tone those arms mamas! 13MIN was just enough to get those muscles burning!
TONED THIGS - Leg workout
Hey mama! Even 15-20 will make a huge difference in our mental and physical health.
So join me is this short but really good class to help our legs get stronger.
See you next week on our new location with a birthday celebration workout because today I turned 35 yay!
STRETCH - Flexibility Workout
A whole class dedicated to stretch our muscles around the hips and pelvis and strengthen our bum.
Another great class for our pregnant mamas.
Not recommended for postpartum unless you are already in month 3-4 and you feel like everything is very well closed up down there.
I apologize for th...