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HAWAI - Bounce ball workout



  • FRESH POP - Low impact dance workout

    Here is a super fresh pop mix for you. This is another low impact class safe for our pregnant mamas just avoid our ABS section and switch it for knee push ups or side plank. Bring your stretch bands and kitchen spoons with you. Have fun!

  • MOOD BOOSTER - Liberating dance workout

    Have you been feeling down?

    I'd like to share with you my antidote for switching my mood to a more optimistic one: All we need to do is dress up, show up and click on this video to allow music to heal you.

    MUSIC has some serious superpowers over humans. Let it be one of your go-to's whenever ...

  • QUEEN B - Stress release dance workout

    I have absolute RESPECT and admiration for Beyonce as an artist, and the incredible power she has earned to positively influence other women.
    Bien merecida a la corona para Beyonce por ser tan chingona y usar su talento para empoderar a tantas mujeres en el mundo.
    If you have not watched her la...