  • MOM RETREAT - Healing stress session

    Hola Mamis! I am back, I appreciate all of you so much for being patient with this project. Having a second child has been a little harder than expected. I hope you enjoy this session and remember to reach out anytime.

  • TBT 2000 - 40min Full body dance workout

    I will call this playlist “soft rock” of the 2000’s. We did some kicking and punching at the tunes of Alanis Morrisette, No Doubt and The Killers, and then cooled down with Cranberries. It was SO goood.


  • ICE ICE BABY - TBT Dance workout

    Here is another fun blast to the past!!!
    Today we added wooden spoons to do our version of pound workout, Emilio loved it so we might add that to our classes more regularly. Let me know what did you think.
    Also bring your stretch bands, food cans or weights for our arm exercises, have fun!

  • FRESH POP - Low impact dance workout

    Here is a super fresh pop mix for you. This is another low impact class safe for our pregnant mamas just avoid our ABS section and switch it for knee push ups or side plank. Bring your stretch bands and kitchen spoons with you. Have fun!

  • BATUCADA - Brasil inspired workout

    Hola Chicas!
    Our humble tribute to Brasil continued with this fun batucada workout. Bring your spoons and get ready to samba!!!
    Let me know what music you would love to dance to!
    See you next class :)