GET THE LEGS - 15MIN Leg workout
JLO legs are possible Reinas, we just have to work our butts off to get them. And a 15 MIN routine is a great start! So bring your resistance bands if you have them (not mandatory), and get ready to put those ladies to work.
Las piernas de JLO son posibles Reinas, solo tenemos que trabajar duro para conseguirlas. ¡Y una rutina de 15 MIN es un gran comienzo! Así que traigan sus bandas de resistencia si las tienen (no obligatorias), y prepárate para poner a trabajar a esas muchachitas.
SURRENDER - 23min Relaxing flexibilit...
Time to decompress mamas! Get ready to relax and stretch every ligament of your body. This class is also great to get you ready for labor, if you are pregnant, or to improve anyone's digestion. I hope you enjoy it!
SHOW UP - 30min Low Impact dance workout
A fun easy to follow class to uplift your mood!
COUPLES / FAMILY Workout - 25min HIIT...
Esta buenaza! Just convince your partner to try it (I know you can) and PLEASE send over a video, family pic or boomerang! You will make my day! Bring your dumbbells (pesas) if you have. Having snacks on the side for the kids is also a good idea ;)