BDAY BASH - 20 MIN Dance Party Workout
Hey Mama! if today is your BDAY or your kid's bday, or none of that but you just feel like celebrating the day, this class is for you, as always filled with good vibes! This is a medium cardio intensity workout, with some strength exercises using our weights. Bring also a piece of cloth, shirt, resistance bands or anything similar. Have fun!!
And remember to leave us a comment :)
¡Hola madre! Si hoy es tu cumple o el de tus hijos, o nada de eso, pero tienes ganas de celebrar el día, esta clase es para tí! Como siempre llena de buenas vibras!
Esta clase es de intensidad media, con algunos ejercicios de fuerza utilizando nuestras pesas. Trae también un trozo de tela, paliacate, camiseta, bandas de resistencia o algo similar. Que se diviertan!
Recuerda dejarnos un comment acá abajo :) Abrazo!
Up Next in POP MUSIC
I couldn't help to laugh when I watched this video, trying to look sexy with this belly is not an easy task. The good news is, this is NOT about how we look while dancing, it's about how we FEEL!!! And I assure you if you just follow along some of these moves you will finish the class feeling emp...
GET THE LEGS - 15MIN Leg workout
JLO legs are possible Reinas, we just have to work our butts off to get them. And a 15 MIN routine is a great start! So bring your resistance bands if you have them (not mandatory), and get ready to put those ladies to work.
Las piernas de JLO son posibles Reinas, solo tenemos que trabajar dur... -
TIK TOK - 40min Full body workout
Amigas I have to confess I got hooked with tik tok, I am amazed at the creativity in this world. So, I decided to bring to class a fun playlist inspired on their popular dance challenges.